Matilda Caesar

Swish… Crack… Do you love the sound of a cane? Our guest, Matilda Caesar, does. Get to know this professional spankee from London, England and some of her very favorite spanking things!

She regails us with tales of her adventures in the London spanking scene, some mansion roleplays, her origins as a professional, and how a photoshoot changed her life! 

This beautiful, life-long spanko opens up with us about some of her innermost thoughts, desires, and even some of the spanking fantasies she enjoys personally… and the importance of keeping some things just for yourself!

Did we mention she does some video modeling as well?
You can find her working with Miss Iceni, and soon from some other studios as well.
If you don’t know Matilda Caesar yet, you will soon!

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Miss Iceni

While she may be firm, it’s for your own good!

Join us as we sit down with Miss Iceni, London’s Premier Disciplinarian! *gulp*
Actually, she was sweeter with us than she may be with you. But that’s the point!

Get to know a bit of Miss Iceni’s background, how she got into the spanking scene,
how the COVID lockdown sparked her desire to take a new path in life,
and so much more!

We’re honored to sit down for a casual conversation to share a side of her that her clients may not get to see. Once you’ve seen her videos, which you absolutely should, you’ll be amazed this amazingly strict disciplinarian is the same sweet woman talking with us!


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Shaylah elegantly gives us extremely articulate advice for tops who are disciplinarians; beyond the “funishment” mindset, punishments for real-life offenses. **Swoon** scold-y spankings with  controlled, loving, aggression – stern and firm. 

Definitely check out this episode if discipline is your thing. It doesn’t matter if you’re new or experienced with spanking, she provides great information! 

What was Shaylah’s first foray into spanking? What has she learned about consent since then?  We hope our listeners practice consent and if you need a reminder, here is a link to one of the many episodes where we discuss Consent.  

Shaylah is a girl, she is a brat, she is a writer, she is trans, and she identifies as a spanking facilitator – all the brats now have a new term of defense! 

Now, don’t feel bad if you’re not ready to be the spanker or spankee of trans women. However, please be respectful of their identities. Don’t be an asshole, or you’ll have allies to answer to! 

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just an image of the episode title

Different Scene Dynamics

From a FetLife Fan request: Can the Spankoholics differentiate the types of scene dynamics?

Yikes! What a question! Are we up to the challenge?


The Spankaholics return to have an open discussion on different types of spanking scenes and stumble on some self realizations.  

We discuss differences between Funishment scenes and  Role Play scenes THEN we stumble upon Consequential spankings which lead us to Punishment vs Discipline vs Motivational vs Accountability vs Consequential scenes again. Even dab a little in Judicial spanking. 

They continue to avoid discussing sexual and sensual spankings. This group of spankos tends to publicly avoid sharing sexaul aspects of spanking. So if you were hoping to have that be one of your spanking scenes discussions, we don’t apologize. Maybe one day we will come around. 

Anyways, what do you think is a good baseline spanking? Let us know down below in the comments, on Twitter, YouTube, or on FetLife.



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Loren Punishment Spanking someone otk

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Links referenced in this episode contain adult material.

Loren Punishments

The Spanko! Podcast hosts continue to interrogate Loren regarding his spanking lifestyle.

Loren shares his stance on public spanking. They all share their preferences on counting swats. Everyone has a good time reminiscing on Lone Star 2021.

We promise, Part 2 is not a repeat of part 1. You’ll delight listening to part two even more.

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