Matilda Caesar

Swish… Crack… Do you love the sound of a cane? Our guest, Matilda Caesar, does. Get to know this professional spankee from London, England and some of her very favorite spanking things!

She regails us with tales of her adventures in the London spanking scene, some mansion roleplays, her origins as a professional, and how a photoshoot changed her life! 

This beautiful, life-long spanko opens up with us about some of her innermost thoughts, desires, and even some of the spanking fantasies she enjoys personally… and the importance of keeping some things just for yourself!

Did we mention she does some video modeling as well?
You can find her working with Miss Iceni, and soon from some other studios as well.
If you don’t know Matilda Caesar yet, you will soon!

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Miss Bernadette

If you’ve never heard of Miss Bernadette, where have you been?

The world-renowned professional disciplinarian joins the Spanko! Podcast and she shares with us her spanko journey. 

Karina asks some privy questions, which Miss Bernadette gladly shares some personal answers just for you! 

Happy new year 2024! May your year be filled with as much fun as Miss Bernadette has! 

And, of course, thank you for all your support as we continue with our spanking adventures.


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Spanking & Bondage
with MinxGrrl & Cinched

We wanted to discuss incorporating some other kinks with spanking, and bondage felt like a natural place to begin. And we couldn’t think of more fun people to discuss this topic with than Bondage expert Cinched and Spanking model MinxGrrl!

Together, this power couple is exploring combining some different kinks with spanking in their own video productions. We were lucky enough to catch up with them at Lone Star 2022 and spend some time discussing their interests and learning where to begin with bondage and how it can enhance a spanking scene.

Don’t worry, spanking purists, this isn’t a bondage-only episode! MinxGrrl shares some stories about what it’s like working with RealSpankings, how she’s able to convince a Rope Top to come to a Spanking Party in Texas, and much, much more.

We had a great time getting to know this adorable couple, and we hope you do, too!

Oh, and since we’ve recorded this episode, MinxGrrl’s Clips Store is now Online!!

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Sarah Gregory & John Osborne

We the spankos in the United States have established spanking parties! Imagine living in the UK where their spanking activities must remain underground, lest, heaven forbid, the media finds out and reports our spanking kink as “salacious.” 

Get to know the world-famous Sarah Gregory (that’s Sarah with an ‘H’) and John Osborne (aka AAA, or Triple-A if you prefer). This spanking-power-couple shares some amazing details with us.

Sarah shares with us her true calling, some history, and her passion for giving people a safe space to enjoy and practice their spanking kink.

John, a British lad who grew up with robed school masters and was encouraged to take Latin (gag), shares the true terror of being disciplined the British way – disciplina scholastica.  

Have you come out to your parents as a spanko? Sarah and John have! How did these two famed spanko producers get into producing spanking content? And it’s truly delightful when you hear Sarah’s entrepreneur story! These topics and so much more await!


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Spanking Model ragbambi
from Holland

How Far are you willing to travel to get a spanking? 

Get to know Ana L, aka ragbambi, who joined us at Lone Star all the way from Holland! 

She shares her spanking experiences back home vs the ones in the United States. Did you know the Netherlands even has a “national implement?” 

Join us as Ana shares with us how she came to terms with being a spankoholic, and how much fun she has as a spanking model. Delight yourself in how boldly she embraces her spanking being! 

We hope you have as much fun as we did!

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