GASP 2024 Before & After

Join us on our road trip to GASP 2024! Recorded in the car on our way, we discuss everything we hope to experience at this brand new national spanking party! What are we most excited for? Is it better to go with a plan or to be spontaneous? 

Then, in the 2nd half, we’re back in the car reminiscing about our experiences on our way home. What were our favorite parts? Did our plans work out? And what are we most looking forward to happening again?

We had a blast and can’t wait for you to hear about all of our expectations and whether or not the party lived up to them (they did, and then some!). And you never know who may get spanked in the car on our travels!

You’ll be hearing a lot more about GASP in some upcoming episodes, so stay tuned!

If you’re curious about GASP, or interested in tickets for their 2025 party, check out their website at for more information!

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Ehlane & Sir T

Meet Ehlane and Sir T, an adorable couple from Scandinavia. They join us to discuss their first American spanking party at Lone Star 2023. 

Listen as they recall some of their favorite activities at the party including British Discipline, the Workshops, the Female/female event, and judicial spankings. But more importantly, they recall how kind everyone was! The Lone Star Spanking Party made such an impact they will definitely be back next year! 

What is the spanking scene in Sweden like? We have some exclusive inside information to share! Just kidding, but they do tell us about it.

How did this adorable couple meet? This story is even cuter than they are! 

(And speaking of cute, yes, that’s them in the photo.)


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TASSP 2024

The Texas All-State Spanking Party is Back
is in Dallas, Texas coming up on
June 6-9, 2024

Join Princess Kelley May, TASSP Host and YouTuber extraordinaire, as she tells us about everything we can expect at TASSP this year!

  • Brats
  • Littles
  • Multiple Male Events
  • GNC (gender non-conforming) and BIPOC (black, indigenous, and people of color) events
  • a Dark Party
  • an elven princess
  • and much, much more!

We hope to see you there!


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Communication at Parties

Sky and Eric were traveling home from a small house party and decided to record a discussion about the necessity of communicating while at parties. And yes, of course this all stemmed from Karina and some of her antics.


It can be difficult to ask for what you want, but it’s important to be able to use your words. And since people communicate differently at parties than they may at home, we’ll give you some personal examples as to why good communication is important.


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Red Flags


This episode contains important safety information, but also references to physical assault, sexual assault, kidnapping, human trafficking, and the trafficking of children. 

If these topics are triggering for you, please join us in another episode.

Please reach out to the resources on our Resource Page if needed.


A very special episode of SpankoPodcast:
How to identify Red Flags in Spanking community and what to watch for.

This is a heavier episode of SpankoPodcast than our usual fare. As you know we put an emphasis on safety, and in discussing Red Flags and what to watch for, we couldn’t shy away from the harsh realities of the real world. We did our best to keep the conversation going and not scare our listeners too much. 

We invited our friend D, an expert on these subjects, to help make us all aware of the dangers in our community and to help teach us all what to watch for, how to identify and mitigate Red Flags from potential partners, and how to stay safe and vigilant against the predators out there.


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