3 Year Anniversary

The Spanko!Podcast turns Three! 

And to celebrate this, we are joined by our biggest fan, Sarah, aka Birdie.
(Seriously, she’s heard our podcast more than we have… and we edit.)

Sarah shares with us how she discovered us and her interest in spanking, how helpful it was to have listened to our Podcast before attending spanking events, and how fortunate she feels to have veteran spankos with which to discuss her spanking needs. 

We’re so glad to have become a part of her journey and helped her grow as a spanko. For example: it took us, Spanko Bottoms, years to realize, “I don’t need a punishment spanking; sometimes I just want attention and a stress relief spanking.” She learns so much faster than some of us!

Do you know how to communicate your needs as a bottom… without being an obnoxious brat? Have you learned to set boundaries as a Top in your spanking relationships? We’re happy to have an outlet to share some insights from our own developmental adventures and silly antics along the way. But, in our experience, we are still learning and growing ourselves! 

Thank you for joining us over the past 3 years! There’s lots more to come. We appreciate all your support along this journey!

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Switching in Spanking

Our friends, BetterOffKinky and WoodLover, who both identify as Switches within the scene join us to discuss Switching. You may remember WoodLover from our Long Distance Relationships episode, and BetterOffKinky from our Topping and Miss Chris episodes. They both discuss their history in the scene and how they each discovered why Switch was the right role for them.

Why pick just one side of spanking play when you can have both? What goes into defining yourself as a switch? Is it the same with every relationship or dynamic? How hard is it to switch in the same scene? Are there different challenges being a female switch than being a male switch? They answer these questions and many more!

If you’ve ever wanted to learn more about being a Switch, we couldn’t ask for better friends to help you out with this topic!

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“How many straps do you get out of a cow?”

We sat down with Jeff from Kink Works, a vendor of quality straps and paddles at Lone Star 2022, to discuss his implements, his process, his wood fetish, and how he recognized us at last year’s party just by Eric’s voice! 

This maker shares some of the behind-the-scenes of what it takes to turn a passion for making implements into a full-time career. He discusses a bit about local lumber shops, the leather process, and a lot of his own personal passions and kinks. Shocking, we know!

What are some of the favorite woods to work with for a maker of these highly-polished, and vicious, beauties? The answers may not be what you’d expect.

Never fear, he sold us some of the highest quality implements we’ve played with, and we even came home with more this year!

Kink Work Strap as reference in the episode
This is the strap mentioned in the episode

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Author JJ Rose

The podcast crew at Lone Star 2022 got a chance to interview realistic erotica author JJ Rose. Today, March 31st the sequel to his book, Weekend Plans, releases: Switching Plans. If you ever read a choose-your-own-adventure book, a spanking story, or even simply enjoy reading, please support him and check out this exciting new release. 

Get to know JJ Rose as we interview him and he answers all the questions the podcasters throw at him. 

If you’re in the Atlanta area you might have heard of GASP – he’s the party organizer. Hopefully we’ll all get a chance to attend the National spanking event that’s in the works.

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A graphic with theater masks and an apple

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Role Play with GoodApple

What goes into a good role play spanking scene? Do you have to be a good actor to role play? What if you don’t have a bunch of costumes? We sat down with GoodApple before his Role Play class at the LoneStar Spanking Party to answer these questions and more.

This gregarious, southern gentleman, who identifies as a switch, has some of the most creative ideas for scenes we’ve come across. He’s an artist, an actor, a romantic, a spankophile, and his passion exudes in everything he does! 

We discuss the scene in Arkansas, the romance of Fifty Shades of Grey, different fantasies, communicating with your partner,  some of our own fantasies, and much more.

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